»Study in Canada:
We help qualified students to find their school and to obtain Canada Study Permit. The standard way to study in Canada is with a Canadian study permit. We help and advice students to get work permit while studying in Canada. For those who need additional funds while studying in Canada, it may be possible to work at the same time
»Working after completion of study:
There are provisions for the current graduates who aim to work in Canada with work permit after successfully completion of their study. In case of that they have access on Post-Graduation Work Permit. This open work permit allow individual to work and gain Canadian experience which will help them get permanent resident eventually.
»Working after completion of study:
›Canadian Experience Class
›Quebec Experience Class (PEQ)
This program allows those with Quebec study or work experience to immigrate permanently to Quebec as permanent residents of Canada. We are experienced in obtaining student visa and eventually help these students to be immigrant.
For more detailed and guidelines, please contact us.